Introduction of International Education Centre
The International Education Centre of SeoulJangsin University is planning to operate a Korean language school to assist foreign students, who will start their study in Korea(Rep.), especially when acquiring the necessary language skills for their academic pursuits.
I would like to convey my sincere gratitude for visiting the website of the International Education Centre of SeoulJangsin University.
Since SeoulJangsun University has founded in 1954, we will celebrate the 70th anniversary in 2024.
Our keynote ideology has based on the bible verses such as "unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." (John 12:24) and we have been endeavoring to develop the potential ability of the students and to foster individuals with global core-competencies.
SeoulJangsin University is seeking to a person of abilities such as "finding myself", "realizing my vision," "respect and cooperation" and "growing and contribution."
The International Education Centre of SeoulJangsin Univeristy is eager to sow the seeds of knowledge for the future via cooperation among our staff and all the students etc.
We are very grateful for your applications and participation and looking forward to improving the future together with the International Education Centre of SeoulJangsin Uiversity.
Thank you very much.