The SJU Manifesto for New Era
SJU was established in 1954 as 'Chong Hoe Yagan Sin Hak Kyo'in order to bring up faithful workers devoting themselves to the recovery of our counrty and church from the ashes after many years of trials under the rule of japanese imperialism and through Korean War. SJU has yielded manu pastors and ministers and has made constant effort to fulfill God's work embracing Korean society and church inflicted with political conflict and chaos. Now we are about to make our SJU Manifesto which contains our theology and ideology of education on the basis of that tradition, to declare our new prospect in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the foundation as follows.
- 1. The goal of SJU is bringing up faithful and competent ministers and laymen leaders who will serve their country and church through our educational system based on the tradition of Presbyterian Church of Korea.
- 2. We assure that we'll make our best effort to develop SJU into a leading university of Korea by our specialized educational system and through daring restructuring to survive in this age of limitless competition
- 3. We are holding fast to the great command of the world mission on the basis of Biblical theology and positive engagement of Korean society, politics, culture and history as a responsible subject. We are interested not only in the tradition and inheritance of world church but also in Korean cultural inheritance.
- 4. We will face up to the reality of environmental disruption and find out practical solutions according to the will of God who wants the recovery of broken order of creation. We will also take the initiative in environmental protection and respect for human life keeping strict watch on the side effect of gene manipulation or cloning a life form accompanied by the development of genetic engineering. We will fulfill our mission of protecting human rights from social, racial, and cultural discriminations following our Lord Christ's spirit.
- 5. We are aiming at holistic education focused on the salvation and recovery of whole personality. We will carry out the mission of the times by proclaiming our hope of eternal salvation.
- 6. We will make every effort to recover pure evangelism for our society and to encourage our students to devote themselves to activating the ministry of alienated area such as small cities and provinces. We will also bring up missionaries and mission workers who will attend to the ministry of spiritually barren lands in Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America as well as North Korea.
The auricles mentioned above are ultimately to fulfill Christ's love. The Christ's spirit in our precept is in short the spirit of self-sacrifice. That is the spirit of the cross which Jesus Christ showed to the world, which we should follow. For that purpose we SJU will continue to be the model subject of teaching the truth and devotion in our country, and in the world.
- all the members of SJU faculty and staff
- in celebration of 50th anniversary of the foundation of SJU