Seoul Jangsin University is bring up ministers who will fulfill their ministry of Christian Evangelization and leaders who will make a contribution to the development of our nation and the community of mankind

seouljangsin dormitory

  • > Attached Organization
  • > SeoulJangsin Dormitory

The seedbed of Christian dream and self-training

SJU is providing SeoulJangsin Dormitory, accommodations for the students living in provinces. It is a sort of training center for religious, academic, cooperative and disciplined life through the community life based on Christianity, the founding spirit of our university. The life in this dormitory is basically focused on making a self-regulating custom around a dormitory student council and promoting mutual friendship among students.

Classification Floor Contents Notes
Dormitories 1 Utility room, laundry, all-purpose room, prayer rooms 948 pyeong
Capacity: 216
2 admin office, lounge, guest rooms, rooms for disabled
3-5 students' rooms, lounge
Complex Hall 1 stand, book-store, lounge, gym 874 pyeong
2 Cafeteria(for students & faculty )
3 Offices of Students' association, Student council, Graduate student association, Seouljangsin Gazette
4 Seminar rooms, Circle rooms
5 Gang Sin-Myeong Hall

464-742 °æ±âµµ ±¤Áֽà °æ¾È·Î 145, tel:031-799-9000, fax:031-765-1232