Seoul Jangsin University is bring up ministers who will fulfill their ministry of Christian Evangelization and leaders who will make a contribution to the development of our nation and the community of mankind

seouljangsin gazette

  • > Attached Organization
  • > SeoulJangsin Gazette

Activating the family of SJU by making sound remarks and altemative plans based on Christian perspective

SeoulJangsin Gazette was inaugurated by restarting Gazette No. 8 to succeed its former body which had been run by student council until its last publication of No.7. Since then, SeoulJangsin Gazette has been born again as an independent organization issuing Gazette No.50 on May 21st, 1992, Gazette No.150 on May 17th, 2004. Since 2008 it has been producing 12-page gazettes with 4 pages in color. It is an intramural organ of public opinion based on Christian value and perspective which activates the family of SJU by making sound remarks and alternative plans

464-742 °æ±âµµ ±¤Áֽà °æ¾È·Î 145, tel:031-799-9000, fax:031-765-1232